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Registration to access the online system is optional.
If you wish to check the status or access your application information online, then you are required to register.
STEP 1 : Please select one of the following options
Non Licensee?   Yes      
Do you have an AR License?   Yes      
Do you have an ARK COA License for the firm?   Yes      
STEP 2 : User Name and Password
Your User Name must meet the following conditions:
• Be 6-15 characters long
• Only upper/lower-case letters, numbers, underscore, dashes, periods and @ are allowed (NO SPACES).

Your password cannot contain:
• Your username
• A reversed version of your username
• Characters ' " \ < > [ ]

AND must include:
• 8 to 16 characters
• At least 1 number or punctuation mark, 1 uppercase and 1 lowercased letter

The rules above will indicate when each criterion has been met.
User Name :
Password :
Re-Enter Password :
Email :
First Name :
Last Name :
Organization Name :
Phone Number :

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